Browsing by Subject Artificial intelligence

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-12-01Application of a general regression neural network for health index calculation of power transformersIslam, M. D. M; Lee, G; Hettiwatte, S. N
2015-08-01Artificial intelligence based smart building automation controller for energy efficiency improvements in existing buildingsBasnayake, B. A. D.J.C.K; Amarasinghe, Y.W.R; Attalage, R. A; Udayanga, T.D.I; Jayasekara, A.G.B.P
2017-11-07Calculating a health index for power transformers using a subsystem-based GRNN approachIslam, M; Lee, G; Hettiwatte, S. N; Williams, K
2024-05-25Challenges and Frontiers in Intellectual Property Rights Amidst the Rise of Artificial IntelligenceMahingoda, C.D
2024-07-22A comprehensive review to evaluate the synergy of intelligent food packaging with modern food technology and artificial intelligence fieldButhpitiya, B. L. S. K.; Abekoon A; Sajindra, H; Samarakoon, E. R. J.; Jayakody, J.A.D.C.A; Kantamaneni, K; Rathnayake, U
2024-09Eco-friendly mix design of slag-ash-based geopolymer concrete using explainable deep learningRanasinghe, R.S.S.; Kulasooriya, W.K.V.J.B.; Perera, U S; Ekanayake, I.U.; Meddage, D.P.P.; Mohotti, D; Rathanayake, U
2024-09Eco-friendly mix design of slag-ash-based geopolymer concrete using explainable deep learningRanasinghe, R.S.S.; Kulasooriya, W.K.V.J.B; Perera, U.S; Ekanayake, I.U.; Meddage, D.P.P.; Mohotti, D; Rathanayake, U
2023-11-01Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Challenges and Expanding the BoundariesMahingoda, C.B