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Showing results 1 to 20 of 3254  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202110-Year Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Prediction of Sri Lankans: A Longitudinal Cohort StudySolangaarachchige, M.B
2022-112D Pose Estimation based Child Action RecognitionMohottala, S; Abeygunawardana, S; Samarasinghe, P; Kasthurirathna, D; Abhayaratne, C
2015-04-296-REXOS: Upper limb exoskeleton robot with improved pHRIGunasekara, M; Gopura, R; Jayawardena, T. S. S
2022-09-15Abandonment of paddy lands and its causal factors in Bentota Pahalagamhaya Agrarian service division, Sri LankaHansika, A.H; Amarasinghe, S.T.C; Sandamali, T.G.I
2021-12Aberrant chromatin landscape following loss of the H3. 3 chaperone Daxx in haematopoietic precursors leads to Pu. 1-mediated neutrophilia and inflammationGerber, J. P; Russ, J; Chandrasekar, V; Offermann, N; Lee, H. M; Spear, S; Guzzi, N; Maida, S; Pattabiraman, S; Zhang, R; Kayvanjoo, A. H; Datta, P; Kasturiarachchi, J. C; Sposito, T; Izotova, N; Händler, K; Adams, P. T; Marafioti, T; Enver, T; Wenzel, J; Beyer, M; Mass, E; Bellodi, C; Schultze, J. L; Capasso, M; Nimmo, R; Salomoni, P
2019-08Absorbing Markov Chain Approach to Modelling Disruptions in Supply Chain NetworksPerera, S; Bell, M; Kurauchi, F; Kasthurirathna, D
2016Abstract concepts: A contemporary requirement for Rich Internet Applications engineeringDissanayake, N. R; Dias, G. K. A
2021-12-09Academic Depression Detection Using Behavioral Aspects for Sri Lankan University StudentsGamage, M.A.; Matara Arachchi, R.; Naotunna, S.; Rubasinghe, T.; Silva, C.; Siriwardana, S.
2021-03-26Academic Research and Technology Transfer from University to Industry: Prospects, Challenges and the Way Forward for Sri LankaPunchihewa, N. S.
2022-01-14ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF PERSONS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT AND BLINDNESS IN THE TERTIARY SECTOR: EXPLANATORY MODELSuraweera, T; Bandara, S; Wickramarachchi, C; Dewage, N; Gunawardana, T; Nanayakkara, N; Yapa, E; Thelijjagoda, S; Jayathilaka, R
2014-11-19Accelerated membrane durability testing of heavy duty fuel cellsMacauley, N; Alavijeh, A. S; Watson, M; Kolodziej, J; Lauritzen, M; Knights, S; Wang, G; Kjeang, E
2012-11Accessbim model for environmental characteristics for vision impaired indoor navigation and way findingJayakody, J. A. D. C. A; Abhayasinghe, N; Murray, I
2018-06“AccessBIM” - A Model of Environmental Characteristics for Vision Impaired Indoor Navigation and Way FindingJayakody, A
2022-12-01Accessing Customer Perceptions on Customer Adoption of Digital Banking Platforms; Private and Public Bank Comparison in the Post COVID –19 Pandemic in Sri LankaJayakody, J. A.D.P.M; Perera, K.N.M; Perera, D.S. I; Liyana Arachchige, K.P; Dunuwila, V.R; Lokeshwara, A
2021-12-09Accommodation Finder: An Augmented Reality Based Mobile Application Integrated with Smart ContractsParameswaran, G.; Perera, M.J.F.R.; Aluthgedara, C.R.B.; Amanda, E.D.N.; Ishara, W.G.A.; Ganegoda, D.
2021-01-11Accounting Education towards Sustainable Labour Markets in Sri LankaPerera, K. A. J. O; Perera, U. L. N. L; Guruge, N. H. G; Subashini, S; Madhavika, W. D. N; Weerarathna, R. S
2021-01-11Accounting Education towards Sustainable Labour Markets in Sri LankaPerera, K. A. J. O; Perera, U. L. N. L; Guruge, N. H. G; Subashini, S; Madhavika, W. D. N; Weerarathna, R. S
2022Accuracy of Diabetes Patient Determination: Prediction Made from Sugar Levels Using Machine LearningKrishnananthan, S; Puvanendran, S; Puvanendran, R
2003Accurate control position of belt drives under acceleration and velocity constraintsJayawardena, T. S. S; Nakamura, M; Goto, S
2013Accurate Pedometer for SmartphonesJayalath, S; Abhayasinghe, N; Murray, I