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Authors: Wickramsinghe, S
Peiris, C. N
Peiris, S
Higher Education
Issue Date: 18-Apr-2015
Publisher: Yunnan Publishing Group Corporation and Yunnan People's Publishing House
Series/Report no.: APQN AGM and Conference;
Abstract: The Sri Lankan Qualifications Framework (SLQF) is a nationally consistent framework for all higher education qualifications offered in Sri Lanka. It recognizes the volume of learning of students and identifies the learning outcomes that are to be achieved by the qualification holders. With the objective of having a uniform system in naming a qualification, the designators and qualifiers of each qualification have been identified in the SLQF. The purposes and characteristics of each qualification as well as the minimum admission requirements are also stated in the SLQF. SLQF integrates the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) developed by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission and the pathways of lateral mobility between the vocational education sector and higher education sector have also been identified. SLQF helps in the recognition of accredited prior learning in order to facilitate the vertical mobility within the higher education system. Until the development of SLQF there had been no mechanism to evaluate the qualifications offered by higher education institutions in Sri Lanka. In addition, the SLQF will be helpful to the potential employers to know the level of learning and the attributes of a particular qualification holder. SLQF is useful to the higher education institutions, both in the public and private sector in designing their courses as the minimum level of learning effort required for each qualification is indicated by way of the minimum number of credits that should be earned by a qualification holder. Thus, the SLQF will contribute towards strengthening the quality of higher education qualifications offered by the universities and other higher education institutions in Sri Lanka.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers
Research Papers - School of Natural Sciences
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications

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