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Title: The Role of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Human Resource Planning in Banking Sector of Sri Lanka.
Authors: Tharushika, G.D.R.
Withana, L.K.N.
Jayasinghe, P.D.P.
Kumari, P.D.S.C.
Dissanayake, L.D.A.D.
Keywords: Human Resource Information System
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Planning
Recruitment and Selection
Banking Sector
Issue Date: 10-Dec-2019
Publisher: SLIIT Business School
Series/Report no.: ;104-111 pp.
Abstract: Despite its wide variety of uses, the management of the banks in Sri Lanka is using HRIS (HRIS) for fundermental operations. In the study, it focuses on the utilization of HRIS in the Human Resource Planning (HRP), with special focus on the banking sector in Sri Lanka. The study focuses on one sub function in HRP: recruitment and selection. The problem arises as how HRIS contributes towards the planning of recruitment and selection in the banking sector. Thus, the aim of the research is to analyse how recruitment and selection sub function efficiently affected by HRIS towards the achievement of HRP. There are three constructs, developed through the literature survey to achieve the main objective of analysing the impact of recruitment and selection sub system done through HRIS on the HRP. Result of the analysis determine, “Job Analysis” and “E-Recruitment” have positive impact for HRP in Banking sector while “Skill inventory” result in negative impact. Authors suggest to use this study as a guide or a base for future researchers who were willing to research related to HRIS, HRP and banking industry.
Description: Human Capital Management
ISSN: 2714-1616
Appears in Collections:Biz Student Research Conference 2019 (BSRO)
Research Papers - Dept of Business

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