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Title: Enhanced Tokenizer for Sinhala Language
Authors: Senanayake, S. Y
Kariyawasam, K. T. P. M
Haddela, P. S
Keywords: Sinhala Language
Issue Date: 8-Oct-2019
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: S. Y. Senanayake, K. T. P. M. Kariyawasam and P. S. Haddela, "Enhanced Tokenizer for Sinhala Language," 2019 National Information Technology Conference (NITC), 2019, pp. 84-89, doi: 10.1109/NITC48475.2019.9114420.
Series/Report no.: 2019 National Information Technology Conference (NITC);Pages 84-89
Abstract: Tokenization process plays a prominent role in natural language processing (NLP) applications. It chops the content into the smallest meaningful units. However, there is a limited number of tokenization approaches for Sinhala language. Standard analyzer in apache software library and natural language toolkit (NLTK) are the main existing approaches to tokenize Sinhala language content. Since these are language independent, there are some limitations when it applies to Sinhala. Our proposed Sinhala tokenizer is mainly focusing on punctuation-based tokenization. It precisely tokenizes the content by identifying the use case of punctuation mark. In our research, we have proved that our punctuation-based tokenization approach outperforms the word tokenization in existing approaches.
ISSN: 2279-3895
Appears in Collections:Department of Information Technology-Scopes
Research Papers - IEEE
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications
Research Publications -Dept of Information Technology

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