Faculty of Humanities and Sciences
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A Study on the Eff ect of Bitt ern Treatments with Organic Ferti lizers on the Growth of Tomato
Green Synthesis, Characterizati on of Cu Nano Units and Evaluati on of Anti bacterial Properti es towards the Bacterial Blight Control in Anthurium andraeanum Lind under In-vitro and In-vivo Conditions
In silico Toxicity Analysis of Potenti al Wound Healing Drug Candidates to Assess Drug Suitability
Optimization of In-vitro Callus Inducti on and Cell Suspension Cultures of Gyrinops walla for Commercialization
The Use of Plant Tissue Culture Techniques for Producing Virus Free Manihot esculenta Var. MU51 Plants
Investi gati on of Measures to Control Epiphytes and Endophytes Present in Nodal Explants of Persea Americana Mill in Its in Vitro Establishment
An Improved Protocol for Callus Initi ati on Using Leaf Discs and Stems as Explants from Yellow Passion Fruit (Passifl ora edulis f. fl avicarpa)
Infl uence of Mimosa pigra-Based Bio Ferti lizer on the Sensory Properti es of MI-2 Chili Peppers (Capsicum annum)