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Title: Google Trends Analysis of Online Interest in English Language Learning in Sri Lanka (2011-2024)
Authors: Rodrigo, W. A. I.
Keywords: English language learning
online learning
google trends
Issue Date: 4-Dec-2024
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT
Abstract: Online search trends for English language learning may reveal evolving preferences and demands for language acquisiti on in the modern day. This study explored the online interest in English language learning among internet users in Sri Lanka from 2011 to 2024, uti lizing Google Trends data to analyze search behaviors. Temporal and geographical variati ons in relati ve search volumes for selected search terms related to English language learning were examined. According to search trends, public interest in courses, classes, diplomas, and degrees in English has gradually increased over ti me, then dropped temporarily in the initi al phase of the pandemic, only to rise again to a plateau between 2022 and 2024. Regional analysis highlighted dispariti es in interest levels across diff erent provinces; interest in the term ‘learn English’ was most prominent in the Western Province; interest in English courses and diplomas was highest in Sabaragamuwa Province. In terms of seasonal variati ons, peak search volumes for most terms before the pandemic were in September and January, whereas aft er the pandemic, peak interest occurred in February and September. Concerning subject areas, a shift in interest towards English literature compared to English as a Second Language and Linguisti cs was seen. With regard to the English language profi ciency tests, a clear drop in interest for IELTS occurred during the pandemic, but with the economic recession and the migrati on of professionals that followed, interest in the IELTS spiked in 2022 and 2023, only to decline again aft erwards. This research contributes to the understanding of how online resources and global events infl uence language learning trends, off ering valuable insights for policymakers and educators.
ISSN: 2783-8862
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2024 [SICASH]

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