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Title: Anglo Saxon English: A Linguistic Overview
Authors: Karunanayaka, K. N. C. P.
Amaraweera, S
Wickremasinghe, S.S
Keywords: Anglo Saxon English
English Language
Caedmon’s Hymn
Morphological Features
Old English
Issue Date: 4-Dec-2024
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT
Abstract: Originated in England, English language is a West Germanic language that belongs to the Indo-European language family. From its introducti on to the Briti sh Isles, the tremendous changes it experienced shaped and developed it into the current lingua franca. In order for English to become a dominant and signifi cant language as it is now, it has gone through a development marked by signifi cant historical events and cultural exchanges. This study analyses Anglo Saxon English/Old English which is considered as the foundati on of Englishes that are spoken and studied today. The key area that is analysed in this study includes the morphological features of Anglo Saxon English along with its comparison to the Modern English translati on. Textual comparison is used for this purpose focusing on the historical poem: Caedmon’s Hymn. Furthermore, this research underscores how Old English morphology laid the groundwork for modern grammati cal structures. The study reveals a gradual simplifi cati on of infl ecti ons over ti me, which led to a more streamlined syntax. Understanding these historical transformati ons enhances our appreciati on of the language’s resilience and adaptability. The fi ndings of this study emphasise the signifi cance of historical linguisti c evoluti on in shaping English, highlighti ng the enduring impact of its Anglo-Saxon roots on contemporary language.
ISSN: 2783-8862
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2024 [SICASH]

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