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Title: The Appropriateness of Organizational Structure for Project Performance: An Exploratory Study of Public Sector Organizations in Sri Lanka
Authors: Bandara, G
Keywords: Balanced Matrix Structure
Projectized Structure
Project Performance
Public Sector
Projects Strong
Matrix Structure
Weak Matrix Structure.
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2023
Publisher: SLIIT Business School
Series/Report no.: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable & Digital Business, ICSDB 2023;202-214p.
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to explore the most appropriate type of structure that can improve project performance of public sector organizations in Sri Lanka. The study utilized the qualitative approach conducting ten structured interviews with project management administrators in the selected five public sector organizations and performing thematic analysis on the coded responses. According to the findings, of the five types of structures; functional, weak matrix, balanced matrix, strong matrix and projectized, strong matrix and projectized structures are advantageous to achieve project scope, time, cost, and customer satisfaction. Hence, the senior authorities at Sri Lankan public sector organizations must take actions to revise their existing structure into a strong matrix or projectized structure for achieving eminent project performance by fulfilling project scope, time, cost, and customer satisfaction.
ISSN: 3030-7031
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable and Digital Business, 2023

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